
Want to Explore Job Opportunities at Toschas?

We grow if our professionals grow. If you like stepping out of the comfort zone, if you know that good practices aren't a waste of time, then you are Toschas material and we are ready to help you bring out the best in yourself.

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Interested in an Internship?

Our internship is organized seasonally and it is a three-month school of web development with a final project that you need to finish by yourself. It is the only school that pays you and at the end, you can get a job as our junior developer.

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Serbian IT Show Sajber Hosted Toschas Founders

Founders of Toschas had a great honor to be guests in S01E01 of the IT show Sajber together with Bojana Milašinović, one of the founders of Rails Girls Belgrade .

Rails Girls Workshop

Our friends from Rails Girls Belgrade organized a free workshop for all the girls who want to enter the world of Rails.
See how our developers managed as mentors.